What Is Inflation And How Does It Affect My Business?

As you’d expect, businesses are significantly impacted by the economic climate. A company’s hiring practices, capital expenditures, and wage rates are all influenced by consumer spending levels.    What is inflation?  Inflation is the term used to describe a widespread and persistent rise in prices. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an index that measures … Read moreWhat Is Inflation And How Does It Affect My Business?

Introducing Xero Go: The Answer To Common Expenses And Bookkeeping Issues for Sole Traders

There was an exciting new product announced at XeroCon (the annual conference held by Xero). It’s called Xero Go, and it’s a mobile app that’s been developed specifically for sole traders in the UK. Its purpose is to reduce the hassle financial admin can place on a sole trader. Given all of our experience working … Read moreIntroducing Xero Go: The Answer To Common Expenses And Bookkeeping Issues for Sole Traders