Making your business work- doing the do!

Making your business work- doing the do!Many assume that the life of an accountant is boring, full of number crunching and spread sheets – and not to mention the fact that because we are analytical means we are introverted.

Before we go off on a tangent about how we are the polar opposite of this typical image (and believe me we are)…imagine you are behind the scenes of fresh, innovative and passionate businesses every day, businesses (plural) being the operative word.

Apart from soaking up the energy from each of these excited and inspirational entrepreneurs, you get a real insight into what makes the difference between a business that fails and one that succeeds – and we can tell you it’s commonly down to one thing TIME!

Not more time, but the right time.

We recently met with a business acquaintance, for the purpose of this we will call him ‘Ryan’ (Ryan’s an ok name right?) Ryan was discussing the pressures of running his own business and how he simply hadn’t got time for networking or marketing.

When we inquired what his biggest time stealer was we weren’t surprised to learn he spent all day everyday doing the day to day business, fulfilling orders and manning the phones.

When running a small business it is so easy to get stuck in the doing you forget about the thinking.

Yes, when there is only a few of you, or even one, there is often no-one else to do the doing – but if you don’t make time for the thinking, there will eventually be no doing to do.

Plan into your timetable regular time out of your business and spend it ON your business. Meet with a friend or fellow business professional, have a creative session at home with the family (Hey don’t knock that one, Sam’s gran is a devil for strategy!) Or if money permits, enlist the help of some professional business coaches or marketers.

Since our meeting, Ryan has allocated a day a week where he doesn’t go into the office, he takes a step away, looks at where his business is, where he would like it to be and what’s going to fill the gap. Since doing so Ryan has seen his orders increase by 30% and guess what…the sky didn’t fall in when he wasn’t there!

Finances are a task that can be extremely time consuming, so if you need some time for your business get in touch today: 02475 185286 or visit our website:




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