Networking – a business must!

Increase your sales by networking

So you have a successful business with an excellent website and are trading tax efficiently, but how do you get new local customers. We believe networking is the answer.


Attending local networking groups is a great way to meet new people. These, over time, may develop into suppliers, customers and most importantly sales advocates that will recommend you to all of their business and personal contacts.

Once you are established in the local networking community you will in effect have a whole sales force of business people who are actively promoting your business.

I don’t have enough time

We know what you’re thinking… ‘I don’t have enough time to go networking’. The problem is that if your business is not known to the local business community but your competitors are, it will be them getting the new business and maybe even taking your customers and clients off you.

How to be a great networker

Unfortunately, networking is not a quick fix. Networking is about building relationships and therefore does not happen overnight.

To be a successful networker you need to do the following:

  1. Find an event that is convenient for you and that you enjoy attending.
  2. Attend that event regularly.
  3. Also attend other local groups as and when you can.
  4. Be seen as the expert in your field.
  5. After any networking event, ensure that you follow up on any conversations within 2 days of the event. At the very least you should enter your new contacts details onto a contacts database.
  6. Connect with your new found contacts through social media. Follow them on Twitter, LinkedIn or like them on Facebook.

If you would like to join us at one of our local events, contact Sam today on 02475 185286. Alternatively visit and register for a meeting near you!

Interested ?

Send us a few details and one of our team will be in touch to see how we can save you tax